Management of small bowel angioectasias diagnosed during video capsule endoscopy
Small bowel angioectasias (SBA) are vascular malformations consisting of thin-walled, dilated capillaries located in the gastrointestinal mucosa. They are responsible for 10% of all causes of gastrointestinal bleeding and 60% of small bowel bleeding pathologies. The diagnosis and management of SBA depend upon bleeding acuity, patient stability and patient characteristics. Small bowel capsule endoscopy is a relatively noninvasive diagnostic approach ideal for nonobstructed and hemodynamically stable patients. It is superior to computed tomography scans in visualizing mucosal lesions, such as angioectasias, as it provides mucosal views. Management of these lesions will depend on the patient’s clinical condition and associated comorbidities, and very often consists of medical and/or endoscopic treatment delivered through small bowel enteroscopy.
Keywords Small bowel capsule endoscopy, enteroscopy, angioectasias
Ann Gastroenterol 2023; 36 (2): 103-113