Cytomegalovirus infection in a child with menetrier's disease: a case report
Pediatric Menetrier's disease, a rare hypertrophic gastropathy,has been associated with several infectious agents, the
etiologic relevance of which remains to be elucidated. Clinical
findings include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and
anorexia, as well as peripheral edema in most cases. Pediatric
Menetrier's disease is a transient condition usually resolving
clinically within a few weeks, although endoscopic and
radiologic resolution may take longer. We present a case of
a two and a half year-old girl with Menetrier's disease who
was admitted with vomiting and generalized edema secondary
to hypoalbuminemia. An upper-gastrointestinal endoscopic
examination was performed, which revealed severe
Menetrier's gastritis, whereas cytomegalovirus was detected
at biopsy specimens. Serology indicated acute cytomegalovirus
infection. Patient received substitution therapy with
plasma and human albumin, and was fed with MCT formula.
She was discharged after two weeks. At follow-up, hypoalbuminemia
was restored and patient remained asymptomatic.
Key-words: Menetrier's disease, hypertrophic gastropathy, Cytomegalovirus
Case Reports