Gastric and ectopic varices - newer endoscopic options

Authors D. Christodoulou, E. V. Tsianos, P. Kortan, N. Marcon.


Bleeding from esophageal and gastric varices is the most lifethreatening
complication of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension.
While for esophageal varices the endoscopic treatment
is well established and common practice is followed
worldwide, this is not the case for gastric varices. Gastric
varices bleed less frequently but more severely than esophageal
ones and are classified in certain subtypes according
to their location and their size or configuration. In this review,
the treatment options for bleeding esophageal and gastric
varices will be presented. Emphasis will be given on the
treatment of gastric varices with cyanoacrylate. In addition,
a short description of ectopic varices will be made.
Key Words: treatment of gastric varices, ectopic varices, cyanoacrylate,
glue, variceal bleeding.