Implementation of hemostatic techniques in the treatment of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage
Acute hemorrhage of the upper peptic system is the mostcommen emergency that a clinical doctor has to deal with.
According to recent edidemiological data, acute non-cirsoid
hemorrhage concerns most of the 300,000 annual admissions
to U.S.A. hospitals with a mortality rate of nearly 7-10%.
The reestablishment of homodynamic disturbances and the
replacement of the lost in vessel mass is the prime role of the
clinical doctor. When homodynamic stability is obtained, the
adaptation of therapeutic endoscopy is of vital significance
for the verification and the interruption of the hemorrhage.
It the review that follows, analysis of the different endoscopic
techniques for hemostasis available today is attempted and
in particular, methods of adaptation and their results in confronting acute hemorrhage of the upper peptic system.
Key-words: Acute hemorrhage of upper peptic system, therapeutically intervention, Endoscopical techniques of hemostace.