Bizarre stromal cells in Crohn’s disease

Authors Konstantinos Iliakopoulos, Menelaos Tzikanoulas, Ioannis Papaconstantinou, Dina Tiniakos.


Lesions with bizarre stromal cells (BSC) have been described in many organs and, although benign, they are frequently misdiagnosed as malignancy. We present the first case of BSC in Crohn’s disease with a rare submucosal topography and we review the related literature. We hypothesize that, in Crohn’s disease, BSC of myofibroblastic origin may be related to the development of submucosal fibrosis.

Keywords Bizarre stromal cells, gastrointestinal tract, colon, gut, Crohn’s disease

Ann Gastroenterol 2019; 32 (3): 312-315

Case Report