Autoimmune liver disease

Authors C. Petrogiannopoulos, K. Papamichael, K. Goumas, D. Soutos.


Autoimmunity is regarded as the main mechanism involved
in pathogenesis of various liver diseases, such as
autoimmune hepatitis (ÁIÇ), primary biliary cirrhosis
(PBC), primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), autoimmune
cholangitis, overlap syndromes AIH-PBC and AIH-PSC and
liver dysfunction due to connective tissue diseases1.
Autoimmune hepatitis is an immune-mediated, autodestructive
liver disease with hepatocytes being the target
cells of the human immune system.2,8 Primary biliary
cirrrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis are also
regarded as autoimmune liver diseases with bile duct
epithelia being the target cells, resulting in a continuous
loss of bile ducts.3 These diseases may occur simultaneously
in their full manifestations in about 10-20% of cases, thus
constituting an overlap syndrome AIH-PBC or AIH-PSC.4
Key Words: Primary biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis,
primary sclerosing cirrhosis, overlap syndromes.