Muir- Torre syndrome (MTS): A case report
SUMMARYMTS is defined by at least one sebaceous gland adenoma
and one internal malignancy. Malignancies are often
multiple with predominance of colorectal and urogenital
carcinomas. Half of the patients with colorectal cancer have
at least one synchronous or metachronous lesion. The skin
lesions may be the first sign of this syndrome, although
more often its cutaneous signs follow the diagnosis of at
least the first visceral malignancy. Identifying such patients
will affect their management. Regular follow-up and search
for new malignancy is mandatory. Because this syndrome
is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, identifying
one patient means delineating an entire family, which
should then be investigated. This syndrome may be caused
by a defective mismatch DNA repair gene.
Case Reports