Endoscopic submucosal dissection for gastric lesions

Raffaele Mantaa, Angelo Zullob

Spedali Riuniti Hospital, Livorno; Nuovo Regina Margherita Hospital, Rome, Italy

aDigestive Endoscopy Unit, ASL Toscana Nord-Ovest, “Spedali Riuniti” Hospital, Livorno (Raffaele Manta); bGastroenterology Unit, “Nuovo Regina Margherita” Hospital, Rome (Angelo Zulo), Italy)

Correspondence: Dr. Angelo Zullo, Gastroenterology Unit, Nuovo Regina Margherita Hospital, Rome, Italy, e-mail: angelozullo66@yahoo.it
Received 4 April 2023; accepted 4 July 2023; published online 20 July 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20524/aog.2023.0823

Ann Gastroenterol 2023; 36 (5): 589

© 2023 Hellenic Society of Gastroenterology

We read with great interest the recently published systematic review by Benites-Goñi et al on the short-term outcomes of endoscopic submucosal dissection for the treatment of superficial gastric neoplasms in non-Asian countries [1]. Regrettably, we noted that our previous study published in 2020, indexed in PubMed with full open access, was not included in the analysis. Our series reported data from as many as 296 patients, with 299 gastric lesions [2], that is almost one third of the total of 933 patients considered in European studies. Therefore, the estimates reported in this systematic review could have been different if the data from our study had also been considered. We would suggest that the authors should carry out a further check of the accuracy in the literature review they performed on October 26, 2022 [1].


1. Benites-Goñi H, Palacios-Salas F, Marín-Calderón L, Diaz-Arocutipa C, Piscoya A, Hernandez AV. Short-term outcomes of endoscopic submucosal dissection for the treatment of superficial gastric neoplasms in non-Asian countries:a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Gastroenterol 2023;36:167-177.

2. Manta R, Galloro G, Pugliese F, et al. Endoscopic submucosal dissection of gastric neoplastic lesions:an Italian, multicenter study. J Clin Med 2020;9:737.


Conflict of Interest: None